Nightmare Bully: Bully could come from at the window randomly. If he is there, close the door instantly and wait for 3 seconds before disappearing Nightmare Principal: Principal will often come from the blue closet. If you realize the sound, escape your bed and punch the door many times. Nightmare Playtime: Playtime appears outside the door from the players’ bed to listen to her music. Make use of your flashlight to threaten him away. Nightmare Baldi: Baldi comes at the end of the bed or under the bed. The animatronics includes the list below: The players have to find the way to survive during the night and until 6 AM while protecting themselves and fighting against the animatronics. The nightmare version of Baldi’s army is waiting for you. You will get the experience with an additional nightmare with your intimate nightmare friend once again, with the new mechanics and many more things.

The game is based on a famous independent frightening game called Baldi’s Basics, and has applied the definition of Nightmare Animatronics. Baldi’s Basic in Nightmare Free Download is a point-and-click survival frightening video game designed by Rjac 25.