
Hearts of iron map
Hearts of iron map

hearts of iron map

  • Leadership and IC statistics calculated without including offmap production.
  • GDP: Calculated as the sale value of the country's resource production, plus the country's base IC.
  • Resources per IC: The proportion of the country's base IC it can support with its base resource production (not counting conversion).
  • There are a total of 1483 Air Base, 1739 Naval Base, and 714 Anti Air on the map.
  • There are a total of 5876 Energy, 3165 Metal, 1373.1 Rare Materials, and 1030 Crude Oil on the map.
  • There are a total of 1164 Victory Points, 1751 IC, 211.99 Leadership, and 1611.4 Manpower on the map.
  • The statistics below do not take this into account. On top of the base game’s famously deep and complex set of. Of all the Paradox titles to deploy massive mods libraries, none might compare with the whopping collection of over 20,000 Hearts of Iron 4 Mods.
  • All countries get offmap production of 5 IC, 2 Leadership, and 1 Manpower. Our up-to-date guide to the very best Hearts of Iron 4 mods for Paradox's mammoth WW2 strategy game.
  • Based on 1936 statistics without taking into account techs, laws, minsters, events, overseas modifier (-75% manpower, -90% leadership particularly important for United Kingdom), or other modifiers.
  • Country names link to country's statistics page.
  • hearts of iron map

    PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: This is a simple sum of all province values, which may not match the in-game amount (see below).

    hearts of iron map

    This article may need to be rewritten in part or entirely.

    Hearts of iron map